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Kalp Wallet - Open-API (1.0.0)

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General Usage

Kalp Wallet OpenAPI provides an API that allows users to create and manage different types of wallets programmatically. The API supports the creation of self-custodial, MPC (Multi-Party Computation), and custodial wallets.

Request, Response & Error codes Copy

Request Payloads

The Kalp Wallet API supports the following types of request payloads:

  • Form-Encoded: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Raw

  • Form Data

  • JSON


Each response payload is encoded into JSON and contains a result indicating success or an error message for failed or rejected requests.

Error Codes

Status codes other than 200 indicate an issue with the request. Here are some common error codes:

Auth Errors

  • Unauthorized: Un Authorized , Invalid Access Token (Error Code: 1001)

  • API Key Missing: auth Api Key Missing (Error Code: 1002)

  • Max OTP Resend Attempts Exceeded: max Otp Resend Attempts Exceeded (Error Code: 1003)

  • Invalid Phone Number: Please Enter Valid Phone Number (Error Code: 1004)

  • OTP Expired: The OTP you entered has expired. Please request a new OTP to proceed. (Error Code: 1005)

  • Invalid OTP: Please Enter Valid Otp (Error Code: 1006)

  • Unable to Generate API Key: Unable to genrate Api key (Error Code: 1007)

Wallet Errors

  • Unsupported Blockchain Request: Invalid Request Blockchain Not Supported Yet (Error Code: 101001)

  • RPC Node Not Found: RPC Node for the blockchain not found (Error Code: 101002)

  • Wallet Address Not Found: wallet Address not found for Current user (Error Code: 101003)

  • Wallet Type Is Self Custodial: wallet Type Is Self Custodial (Error Code: 101004)

  • User Seed Phrase Mnemonics Mismatch: user Seed Phrase Mnemonics Mis Match (Error Code: 101005)

  • Unable to Fetch Blockchain Network: RPC Node for the blockchain not found (Error Code: 101006)

  • MPC Wallet User Shard Is Required: For Mpc Wallet User Shard Is Required , Pass User Shard and userIndentiity in Req Body (Error Code: 101007)

  • No User Hashed Shard Found In DB: no User Hashed Shard Found In DB , Please input correct user Shard or Indentifier (Error Code: 101008)

  • Self Custodial Wallet Seed Phrase Is Required: for Self Custodial Wallet Seed Phrase Is Required , Pass seed Phrase in Req Body (Error Code: 101009)

  • Mnemonics Is Expired: mnemonics/seedPhrase Expired , Kindly Follow Instructions within 10 min (Error Code: 101010)

  • Verify User Detail for MPC: for Mpc First Verfify User Detail from MPC Auth (Error Code: 101011)

  • Seed Phrase Generation Only for Self Custodial Wallet: seed Phrase Generation Can Be Only Done For Self Custodial Wallet (Error Code: 101012)

  • No Transaction ABI Data Found: No Transaction Abi Data Found (Error Code: 101013)

  • MPC Wallet Cannot Send Route Transaction: for Mpc Wallet Can Not Send Route Transaction (Error Code: 101014)

  • MPC Wallet Can Only Have User Shard: mpc Wallet Can Only Have User Shard (Error Code: 101015)

  • MPC Wallet Can Only Be Verified: mpc Wallet Can Only Be Verifed (Error Code: 101016)

  • Invalid API Key User: invalid Api Key ! Only Contract deployed User apiKey is vaild (Error Code: 101017)

  • Only Custodial Wallet Address Can Sign Transaction: only Custodial Wallet Address Can Sign Transaction through Generated Routes (Error Code: 101018)

  • Deployed Smart Contract Address Not Found in DB: deployed Smart Contract Address Not Found in Db (Error Code: 101019)

  • User Auth Credential Already Exists: The social Auth Credential you have entered is already associated with an existing wallet. Please use a different one create a new MPC wallet or log in to your existing wallet. (Error Code: 101020)

  • Invalid Credentials: Invalid credentials or access denied. Please check your credentials and try again. (Error Code: 101021).



API Reference
